Case Study
Our client was launching a new physician-administered treatment for a rare, pediatric condition – the question for Medicus was: “What is the level of hospital markups for similar physician-administered drugs?”
In coordination with our client, the Medicus team selected a set of key U.S. hospitals to answer this research question. Our team leveraged Medicus’ internal database of aggregated hospital pricing transparency data and analyzed markups for a set of analogue therapies with comparable therapeutic and competitive characteristics.
In addition to aggregate analyses, our team also conducted sub-analyses to identify key patterns to explain differences in negotiated payment rates between hospitals and payers.
Results from our analyses helped our client to better understand the level of markups that hospitals might apply to their physician-administered treatment. This understanding helped inform our client’s strategic decisions related to treatment pricing and contracting with U.S. payers.
We helped our client better estimate hospital pricing and reimbursement dynamics for their physician-administered therapy.